Subliminal Messages
Website Last Updated: Saturday, August 16th, 2003; 5:20PM EST
Wow, I was gone for a long time, wasn't I? Sorry about that. Things have been hectic. I did update my concert reviews, though, so check that out. A new, fresh-smelling Aerosmith review for you to feast upon. (Please don't try to eat your computer. Don't say I didn't warn you.) I do have two quizzes on the sidelines and some concert reviews that have been started and never finished. I also have some movies to review. I'll try to get around to it but I'm going to be Aerosmith crazy for the next couple of days. Well, at the rate I update this thing, I'll be talking to you in three or four more years.
I spent a lot of time on these, so take them and like it! Quiz Central
I updated the movie thing! Now, I've archived old movies so you can read the new reviews quicker, but still had access to the old ones. I'm so cool, I know. I have plenty of new reviews to write and I'll get to it soon, I promise.
I have another medium that I review: concerts! A brand new feature here that I tried to start last year: The Concert Files!
Read the reviews here: Movies I've Seen and Reviewed. Want me to check out a certain movie to review it? Tell me about it!
Oh, yeah... you want to know the Hole Story? Well, check out the Hole Conspiracy.
I added a little spot where you can sign up to be notified when I actually, really do update. Sign up now! It's spiffy.
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